Tree production education to the community members

Community apiculture empowerment and engagement center in Kitui County

Community groups skills training at the apiary Centre

Community youth and women engagement on the establishment of the clean energy cooking Jikos in Kitui county

Dialogue advocacy on forest management and protection

Community apiculture establishment resource center

Community empowerment on apiculture establishment, production and marketing

Training youth and women groups on the green villages model in Kitui County

Together for climate change mitigation with the council of Governors chairman Environment and Climate change H.E Dr. Wilber Ottichillo

Environmental awareness to foster schools and students engagement in improving their environment through tree growing at Nova Pioneer Tatu City Girls

The Adoption of the Plant Your Age initiative by counties through the governors during the devolution conference 2021

The Chairman Dr. Isaac Kalua Green moderating the Panel discussion on Solid waste management in counties during the devolution conference 2021

We actively engage school going children in our tree growing activities so that we can make it a culture to the children as they grow

The Green Africa Foundation team led by the chairman Dr. Kalua ready to plant their seedlings
Participants preparing the ground to plant their trees

Participants at the tree planting event ready to plant their tree seedlings
part of the over 2200 tree seedlings planted at the forest

Mr. Kimeu, CEC Public works Machakos County

Members of the Muumandu Community Forest Association (CFA) led by the chair Mr. Julius Mulinge

Kenya Forest Service Eastern Region Conservator Ms. Mbura