Members taking a photo

Mhasibu chairman Mr Charles leading members in cake cutting

Official launching of the plaque by led by Green Africa Foundation chairman and Mhasibu Sacco chairpersons

Our chairman Dr. Isaac Kalua Demonstrating how to plant a tree

Students joining in for a photo

Students planting trees

The official plaque

The Plant Your Age team present at the tree planting

We donated dustbins to the school to help in keeping the environment clean

A student watering a tree she has just planted

Underground water tank construction in Maikona ward

TOTs tracking a water project in Marsabit
TOT trainings on civic education tools
Moika, one of the TOTs making his remarks
Mogeni Training TOTs on PEM cycle
Mary making introductory remarks during CSOs meetings
Gladys training on civic education

A success water project
Watering the planted tree

Trees for planting at the PYA Event