Isuzu Managing Director Ms. Rita Kavashe giving her remarks

Green Africa Foundation team and the Kenya Forest Service officers preparing to plant the trees

Green Africa Foundation chairman and founder Dr. Kalua giving his remarks

Eng. Morris Aluanga, CEC Water, Irrigation, Environment and Natural Resources Machakos County

Dr. Isaac Kalua and Ms Rita Kavashe joining members in planting a tree

Underground water tank construction in Maikona ward

The County Commissioner and his team being assisted to water a tree by children

The Plant Your Age committee sharing a photo moment with the CITAM Men's Chorale

Mr. Joe Ageyo receiving a certificate on behalf of Royal Media Services

The chief guest and other invited guests planting a tree

KFS officer explaining the benefits of the tree to be planted

Kazi mtaani members armed with their certificates and ready to plant a tree

Kajiado County Commissioner and his team receiving their certificate

Dr. Kalua joining other members in planting a tree

Dr. Kalua during the practical demonstration on hole preparation

Dr. Kalua awarding a certificate to area MP Hon Manje and his team

A member of the scouts movement watering his tree

Dr Kalua joining members for a photo

Dr Kalua joining the students to plant a tree

Even the young ones enjoyed planting a tree