Green Africa Foundation Awarded the best Environmental Conservation Champions 2023
Green Africa Foundation Awarded the best Environmental Conservation Champions at the DIAR Awards 2023
Training Thematic Working Groups on Public Expenditure Management and Tracking in Marsabit
Validation of the GreenMark Standard for rating and certification of Green Buildings
Churchill at 40 - Churchill marks his 40th Birthday by being part of the Plant Your Age Initiative
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We are passionate about saving the environment
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We aim at increasing resilience to climate change effects through capacity building and policy advocacy
The First Green is to treat people kindly through upholding ethics and training on life skills.
The Second Green is to promote good health, peace within communities and to create sustainable livelihood.
The Third Green is the actual environmental conservation.
Are central knowledge hubs in their neighbourhoods. They range from Green primary and secondary schools, Green tertiary colleges, Green universities.
These are significant actors in the development discourse since they capture and impact on large number of people in a particular locality.
Music and sports helps us find our unique social niche, bringing us together with other folks that share similar interests.
The Plant Your Age (PYA) Campaign
The Plant Your Age campaign seeks to enhance and unify tree growing across Kenya and Africa as a personalized commitment to environmental conservation. Although there are already numerous tree planting campaigns championed by different players and entities, they are often time-bound and splintered, which makes it challenging to track progress and ensure both the survival and flourish of planted trees. Plant your age doesn't seek to replace or outshine any of these tree-planting exercises. Rather, seeks to enhance and unify tree growing at individual, corporate and national levels.
"The Plant your Age Initiative advocates for Kenyans to endeavor to plant trees equivalent to their ages and ensure that they grow."
At every 2nd Saturday of September, there will be a 'Plant Your Age' day. It will serve as an awareness creation day for the populace to prepare to plant and grow trees equivalent to their relevant ages during the following rainy season.
Read more about the PYA Initiative on the website plantyourage.africa
Read Thematic Green Messages By Dr Kalua. New Posts Weekly!
Open Green MessagesNEWS AND ARTICLES
Green Africa Foundation awards Australian high Commission a certificate of appreciation for supporting the Green Africa Villages model under the Direct Aid Program
by Mary Mutemi, 10th Mar 2023
Today, the Green Africa Foundation Team led by the chair and Founder, Dr. Isaac Kalua Green paid a courtesy call to HE Mr. Luke Williams, the high commissioner to Kenya, Australian government. The commissioner congratulated Mr. John Kioli, The Executive Director of the foundation, and the Chairman, Kenya Climate Change Working Group, for his appointment as a climate change council member representing CSOs in Kenya and his good work in climate change advocacy.
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Green Africa Foundation Awarded best Environmental conservation champions during DIAR Awards 2023
by Mary Mutemi, 10th Mar 2023
Green Africa Foundation was honored to have received an award of the best environmental conservation Champions during the DIAR Awards 2023. Led by the chair and Founder of the organization in receiving the award, Dr. Kalua Green urged Kenyans to take responsibility in their own small and big ways to conserve and protect the natural resources.
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Project Reports
The Launch of Environmental Day at Greensteds International School
by Dianey Mugalizi, 27th Feb 2022
The event was launched by the school principal, AAR and Green Africa Foundation where each planted a symbolic tree. As a stakeholder in environmental conservation and tree growing, Green Africa Foundation was invited to guide the students and the entire school fraternity on 'how to grow a tree'. The school's environmental day aimed at promoting environmental conservation activities by the students.
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| Reference Materials on Devolution
A Guide on Proactive Disclosure for Public Entities at National and County Government Level in Kenya
Reference Material, 1
Handbook on Best Practices on Implementation of Access to Information in Kenya
Public Expenditure Tracking Tools, 1
Public Expenditure Management and Public Expenditure Tracking Survey Handbook
Public Expenditure Tracking Tools, 5
Civic Engagement Facilitators Handbook - A Guide for Citizen Participation in County Affairs
Reference Material, 1
Citizen Participation in Public Expenditure Management Cycle at the Counties, Module for Training of Trainers
Reference Material, 2
Training Guide on Access to Information for Public Officials
Public Expenditure Tracking Tools, 2
Information is power The Urgent Need for Information in Remote Drylands Communities in the Horn of Africa
Reference Material, 1
Discussing potential collaboration with Green Africa Foundation and the National Anti-corruption steering committee.
Hon. Makali Mulu
- M.P Kitui Central
Continue this path to save the Earth.
Senator Otieno Kajwang
- Senator for HomaBay county
Courtesy call on the advent of Green everything (Energy) Thanks for the hospitality, my friends.
Hon. James Rege
- M.P Karachuonyo constituency
Thank you and keep up the good work.
Hon. Danson Mungatana